About Skool21

SKOOL21 PTE LTD is a Singapore-based education company that provides STEM and Sustainability-based solutions to schools in Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Accredited by STEM.org USA, SKOOL21 aims to integrate STEM into the curriculum, rather than treating it as a separate subject with no connection to the classroom learning pathways. In every organization, leadership is crucial. Syed Munawar Shah, the CEO of SKOOL21, is also the Director for STEM.org for the SAARC Region. He is a philanthropist who fights for Thalassemia, a quality guru, and has 40 years of experience in education execution. As a member of Catalyst2030, SKOOL21 connects classroom learning with the sustainable development goals. This enables learners to apply their knowledge to global issues affecting humanity. Additionally, SKOOL21 offers a Hybrid Learning solution that gives schools an e-learning platform and workbooks as core learning material. These solutions engage learners through mediums they prefer and understand best to acquire knowledge and information. SKOOL21's mission is to keep pace with the evolving needs and desires of today's learners and continually transform to meet the demands of the future of work and entrepreneurship